martes, 2 de junio de 2015



- Elementary School
- Middle School
- High School
- College/ University

  •    Kindergarten.

Age: 5-6

  •    Elementary School.

1st: 6-7
2nd: 7-8
3rd: 8-9
4th: 9-10
5th: 10-11

  •    Middle School

6th: 11-12
7th: 12-13
8th: 13-14

  •    High School

9th: 14-15
10th: 15-16
11th: 16-17
12th: 17-18

- The teachers in USA have a permanent classroom and they don't move. The students move from classroom to classroom depending on the subjects they have each day.

- In the USA, the marks are: A+, A-, B+, B-, C+, C-, D+, D-, F+, F-


This Tuesday, we have played a funny game. It constisted on thowing a dice (which had differect pictures on it) and see what picture it showed. After seing the picture, you had to start a story related to that picture. Everyone in the class had to continue throwing his dice and continue the same story. I liked the game, because at the end, the story we made up was very crazy and funny.


- Abandoned pets are both exotic pets and companion animals that are either inadvertently or deliberately cast off by their owners.
This commonly occurs when an owner dies, when a pet becomes inconvenient or grows too large, or if the pet was an impulse buy.

The financial crisis has resulted in a number of pets abandoned for economic reasons. 
Typical of this group are pets left behind when the owner's home is foreclosed.
Animals lucky enough to survive until they are discovered are often in poor condition due to lack of resources such as food and water.

Many animals left at a shelter are euthanized due to lack of space and financial resources for these animals. Shelters unable to raise additional funds to provide for the increased number of incoming animals have no choice but to euthanize them, sometimes within days.