In the United States ,
the volcanos are situated in the west part of the country making a line along
the Rocky Mountains .
The biggest volcanic eruption in the United States is the Mount Saint Helena ’s
eruption, which occurred in 1980. The enormous columna of ashes arrived to 11
states. In this natural disaster 57 people and thousands of animals died,
hundreds of squared kilometres of land were completely devastated, more than a
thousand million dollars in material damages… The closest area to the volcano
was later converted into “the Mount St . Helens
National Volcanic
Monument ”
Las inundaciones más grandes de estados unidos ocurrieron en
abril del 2011, cuando dos grandes tormentas produjeron unas enormes inundaciones
al rio misisipi, que junto con el deshielo anual, aumento su caudal enormemente
en mayo de 2011. Las áreas que sufriero las principales inundaciones fueron
Illinois, Misuri, Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas y Misisipi.
Catorce personas murieron en Arkansas y miles de hogares
fueron evacuados.
In the USA ,
the area where there are more possibilities for tornados to create is located
between the Rocky Mountains and the Appalachian Mountains .
In the United States ,
tornados are very frequent, and every year approximately 1200 tornados kill an
average of 60 people.
In the USA ,
blizzards are very frequent, usually in the north and north-west of the
country. In this blizzards, there is strong wind, temperatures are very low and
it’s snows a lot